Saturday 17 May 2014

"Shoot The Dogs Early"

Well , don’t get mistaken by the title. It’s got a total different meaning. We are living in a generation ‘Y ‘  where our lives are at ease with the rise of technologies. We are living in a place where there are a lot of hustle bustle in the streets, workplaces, bus stops, metro-stations, in fact everywhere we go. Decade ago, life was totally different as what we see today.

People are caught up with their busy lives trying to cope up with the changing world. Hence, sometimes forgetting to deal with important things. Many a times we fall into trouble. It’s like a deja vu.  We don’t think about the consequences at the initial stage. Hence, worry only when things have happened or is at it's worst case. Then, we spend days and nights thinking and trying to solve the problem. Yet we don’t get any solution to it. We don’t get satisfied with people around and tend to shut them. We feel so helpless. Nobody will understand (even your close people may not). We may see things falling a part and everything as sad.
We want an answer to some questions which we may not get. There will be so many whys? We get suffocated and feel hopeless when no answers are found. 

Instead of whining about what has already happened & find a key solution to the problem. We need to be determined and me strong. It doesn’t matter how many times we crawl. What matters is how hard we tried. “Life’s a box of chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get”.
Therefore, without keeping expectations make up your mind and analyse where did you go wrong? Was it your fault or others? Keep calm and think. Remember, to check yourself step by step, become the court and jury, the prosecuting attorney and the attorney for defense, and then plaintiffs and the defendant, also, that you are on a trial. Now face the facts squarely.

 Ask yourself  questions and get definite and direct replies. When the examination is over you will get to know more about yourself. Still if you have doubts about it. Take a help of a person who knows you well and are trustworthy. Ask them to serve as a judge. You are after the truth. Get it, “no matter at any cost even, though it may temporarily embarrass you”.

The title mentioned above only means “When you have a problem,  deal with it”. Running away from it is no solution, it only shows that you are a coward & you have low Self-respect. God has given us brains to analyze and think. We humans have high emotional intelligence. So, why not make use of it? 

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